Consider these questions: 

• Do you keep your sexual behavior a secret?
• Is this secret sexual behavior repetitive?
• Has the need to intensify the sexual experience increased risk taking?
• Has your sexual behavior continued despite negative consequences?
• Is your sexual behavior preceded by emotional discomforts such as boredom, loneliness, depression, anxiety?
• Do you tell yourself that you can stop anytime? 
• Do you make promises to yourself and others to stop but you don’t? 
• Does your sexual-compulsive behavior keep creeping back into your life?
• Has your sexual behavior brought conflict into your relationships?

Drug and alcohol addiction want you dead. Sex addiction wants you to be alone! 

At Creative Counseling, Inc., sex addiction recovery is offered through individual, and couple counseling. With gentle but firm accountability, sexual addiction recovery is possible. 

Recovery is through transparent living! A path to freedom is here. (972) 248-7722
HELP me! I’m a sex addict!
​(972) 248-7722
Sex addiction or sexual compulsivity is driven by an attempt to get a single need met. Contrary to popular belief, that need is not what you think it is. The high that comes from experiencing lust is exhilarating. However; attention that comes from getting someone to desire us through sexual fantasy is short lived. This kind of attention ultimately leaves us empty, seeking to fill that space by yet another sexual experience. Two things drive the addiction: the high of dopamine and the low of loneliness. Do you ever wonder why the attention you get from the sexual experience never satisfies you? That itch never quite gets scratched! Affirmation by means of pseudo-intimate encounters ultimately leads to more craving, isolation and loneliness. ​

With the invention of the Internet, safe sex took on a whole new meaning, and sex addiction became viral. 

I’m Here To Help

From the safety and anonymity of one’s home computer, the erotic world of sex addiction is a mere click away. But this safe sex comes at the price of self-destruction and the erosion of intimacy. Whether sex addiction appears in the form as Internet pornography, sexual chat rooms or anonymous one-night-stands, you are searching for something that you will never find in this empty effoets.

“We have creative solutions for your therapy needs".

Contact Kris today at Creative Counseling, Inc., 

(972) 248-7722 or